Sequence Prediction With OCR Data

Sequence Prediction With OCR Data

Training a chain structured SVM model on the OCR dataset. This example uses the Viterbi algorithm for the decoding oracle:

spark-1.X/bin/spark-submit \
	--class "ch.ethz.dalab.dissolve.examples.chain.ChainDemo" \
	--master local \
	--driver-memory 2G \

Here is the same example using more general Belief Propagation, by employing the Factorie library (Requires Factorie 1.0 Jar to be placed within dissolve-struct-examples/lib directory):

spark-1.X/bin/spark-submit \
	--class "ch.ethz.dalab.dissolve.examples.chain.ChainBPDemo" \
	--master local \
	--driver-memory 2G \
